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Today Matters
Daily Devotionals

Each weekday, our Pastors release a short devotional in the Word of God! These devotionals are made to kickstart your day & help you become more rooted in God’s Word by studying a verse each day.

Skyline Music

We have some exciting things coming for you from our Worship Team. Stay tuned!

Skyline Radio

Did you know that Skyline Church can be found on podcasts? It’s true! Listen to our past sermons while you are doing chores, in the car, out for a walk, or anywhere!

Pastor Jeremy McGarity is also featured on a radio podcast where he uncovers biblical truths that are practical throughout the week. Check out the podcast to take your relationship with Jesus to the next level!

Microphone outline
Faith & Culture

Dr. Jeremy McGarity’s blog is an outlet that he utilizes to go more in depth on topics that he covers during Sunday service. Our mission is to help people find & follow Jesus seven days a week, and the blog gives you another opportunity to get into the Word, challenge your faith, and ultimately grow you closer to God.

Blog page outline
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  • Tune in to our Today Matters daily devotional!
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