Skyline Church - Rancho San Diego
11330 Campo Rd.La Mesa, CA 91941619-660-5000
Service Times:
Thursdays: 6:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am | 10 am | 11:30am
Sunday: 8:30 am | 10 am | 11:30am
Rancho San Diego
Couples who participate in pre-marital counseling experience an increase in marital fulfillment over those who do not. Skyline’s Pre-Marital Class prepares seriously dating and engaged couples for marriage by addressing common challenges from a biblical perspective.
During the six weeks, participants will discuss Communication, Conflict Resolution, Grace, finances, and Intimacy. Also as a follow-up to the class, each couple will meet 2 on 2 with a mentor couple.
We require all couples who plan to be married by a Skyline Church pastor to attend and complete the Pre-Marital class.
Whether you go to Skyline, attend another church, or don’t go to church at all, you are welcome to attend.