Helping People Find & Follow Jesus Seven Days A Week!

You'll Never Walk Alone!

Skyline is a church for everyone, everywhere.

It’s gathering together wherever you live, with other people, in person, to watch weekly services, connect with God through music, and conversations. We strive to create an inviting place, one that’s extremely approachable no matter what you believe, where you come from, or who you know.

No Perfect People Allowed
No Perfect People Allowed

“When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart pounding, he ran out embraced him and kissed him. ‘Tonight, we feast! My son has come home safe and sound.’”

Family outline
Family outline

What About My Family?

We want the whole family to experience the presence of God here at Skyline Church. Through events, services, and small groups, there is something for each stage of life!

  • Women’s Small Groups
  • Men’s Ministry & Small Groups
  • Young Adult Group
  • Youth Services/Events/Camps
  • Children’s Ministry & Awanas

There are plenty of opportunities for the whole family to get plugged in!

Church outline

Who we are and our purpose

We exist to help people find and follow Jesus seven days a week.

This is the “why” of what we do. We are convinced that every person needs and desires to know the grace and power of having an authentic, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. To achieve our purpose, we keep our focus on our core values: worship, ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship. 

Ways we do community


Sunday Services

God is making Skyline Church a community where everyone is welcome, not just to a physical building, but to an emotional place of refuge in Him.



We have a passion for helping people find and follow Jesus seven days a week. One way we reach people for Jesus is through events where we can engage with our community and those in our relational network.

OIKOS: The 8 to 15 people in your relational network that God has connected you to.
We are convinced that your relationships are no accident. Every person has been placed where they are in order to receive God’s love from someone in their relational world or to give it away to someone else. Our events are a great opportunity for you, your family, friends, and Oikos to get together and grow at Skyline Church.


Next Steps

We are a community built on the life changing teachings of Jesus.

One of our core values at Skyline Church is Discipleship meaning “Growing People Change.” For so many people, finding Jesus is not the hard part.  It’s the consistently following part that can get challenging. Growing in faith as a Christian does not happen without a plan.

For Membership we ask that you attend our two classes designed to help you gain the knowledge and tools necessary to ignite your growth and to be ready for whatever God has for you in the future.

Skyline Church App
This Is Church Anywhere
Download Our App Today!
  • Get information on our upcoming events!
  • Watch all services and join our live stream!
  • Tune in to our Today Matters daily devotional!
  • Give through our app anytime, anywhere!
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